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    Integration with Pace

    Junkingly has integrated Pace to allow you to pay in several times:



    Take charge of your spending without giving up on the things you need or deserve. You've got that under control, and you know what's best for you.
    With Pace, you can now focus on the things that matter to you, because it's easier to manage your finances better, and you have the breathing space to get the things you want now, without having to wait for it.

    • Split payments - split payments are not installments; it is a new type of payment method that reduces the friction of always making lump sum payments. Why pay at one go when you can pay in 3 easily?
    • No interest fees - this means no hidden fees, and absolute clarity into what you're purchasing when you're paying for it, and how much it costs.
    • Empowered choices - you're not locked into any installments (because you can pay early) and you choose the payment method that works best for you.